“You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan”
- Lennon–McCartney
The Project for a New Economic Century is a way to establish a better system across the globe.
The Project is a concrete and just means of building and launching a revolution that works for the left and the right. One that is understood and supported by a good chunk of the populace. One that not only addresses but makes a concerted effort to really truly fix the wrongdoings of our civilization.
A system that aims to make the economy fairer for nearly everyone while sensibly dealing with our food supply, access to clean water, energy use, waste, capitalism, communism, socialism, fascism, neoliberalism, consumerism, sexism, racism, overpopulation, corruption, addiction, trafficking, poverty, pandemics, environmental ruin, climate change, violent conflict, terror, weapons of mass destruction, species extinction, et cetera et cetera.
Essentially The Project is about creating a publicly owned currency system that carries a code of ethics.
Money with morals would help solve or diminish the multitude of problems facing humankind and the rest of the biosphere.
Money with morals would elevate and strengthen the best ideas and practices of our world.
The primary creators of this brand new governance system would sit on one of three common ground committees (CGCs). Additional input from people outside of these agencies would be a regular occurrence throughout The Project, a public company operating off Wall Street like a cross breed of social media, reality tv, community theatre, and a jury with weekly determinations made on a variety of subjects.
The general population could follow the proceedings as audience members and be able to participate by joining a party in one of the CGCs, contributing their thoughts and feelings and votes on the constitution of this new system via the internet.
Jerks, however, can and will receive time-outs.
The three common ground committees would be made up of:
1) Ordinary people from all walks of life who get along with each other living in the same multicultural Western community.
2) Grassroots workers from the Global South alongside some of the smartest minds of our kind who are recognized in a diverse array of disciplines (and just may very well come from the Global South or some other part of the world).
3) International musicians, actors, filmmakers, artists, writers, comics and stars of sports, computers, and cuisine who are getting by with various levels of success.
Indigenous people have guaranteed seats on each of these committees. Representatives from the Banks, Corporations, Governments, and Police would each be offered a seat on The Project. All players are invited to this table where we deal out a new game of fortune & fate.
Everyone who wishes to have a say in The Project would need to follow some House Rules: a code of conduct for the committees and other personnel that is developed and agreed upon at the onset.
The future currency’s rules, values, penalties, benefits, wages, taxes, and other matters would be decided after a subject was considered, discussed, and voted upon by the CGCs.
Each of the three common ground committees would function under a Director plus a Project Stage Manager, Producers, and a trio of world renowned Artistic Project Directors watching over the entire mission in addition to the corporate Board of Directors. With supervision numerous support staff would look after the administrative, financial, and technological needs of The Project.
Together, these teams along with the input of others would develop money with morals, a people’s currency that better manages the realities of today as well as the dreams and possibilities of our incredible species in the future.
We can change the way things are simply by reimagining money, the common thread of almost everything we do as individuals or as part of some larger entity pretty much everywhere around the world.
Not everyone will agree with the people’s currency and they would be free to continue existing under present systems.
The current central bankers’ monetary scheme that does well with debt, destruction, war, greed, and lies would carry on with fewer and fewer participants. Contemporary cryptocurrencies will also continue to mostly benefit a handful of the well off. Bitcoins and other blockchain systems are fantastic, especially for those who can afford to run expensive computers. Once realized, money with morals could become the dominant Social Political Economic system on Earth.
And it would be democratic.
How To Afford It
The short term Project for a New Economic Century requires a large amount of today’s money to pay for the operating and capital costs over a ten year period. Well over a hundred million dollars would eventually have to be raised every year for The Project to exist.
Any investment in The Project would be guaranteed a minimum 50% return on said investment with the proposed people’s currency if it is established, hopefully before 2030.
Each share would cost one hundred dollars American and be worth at least one hundred and fifty dollars American of the potential new money. Shares would be purchased through over-the-counter (OTC) trading administered by The Project.
Might even be best if the earlier one buys stock the higher the rate of return one is entitled to if this initiative is successful.
A person could risk as much as they choose to on buying shares of The Project. Or not. Money with morals may never materialize thereby making the shares monetarily worthless.
Even if The Project fails spectacularly purchasing shares would have at least supported a valiant worldwide attempt at saving this magnificent place from certain doom. A worthwhile shot that just may have some effect on contemporary and future financial practices even if it falls short.
Each shareholder, regardless of the amount of shares in The Project, could carry a single vote at the annual shareholders' meeting. One person, one vote; whether that person has one share or half a million shares.
All members in The Project would be given shares for their participation in this endeavor. On-line volunteer members would be given 13 shares for each year of being in The Project. CGC seated members would be paid $3000 USD each month in current funds for their work and be given 30 shares each month for their time as well. Staff, Officers, and Directors would be offered modest salaries with decent benefits that would be monetarily matched with shares. For example an employee making $55, 000 USD in one year with The Project would also be given 550 shares that possibly could be worth $82, 500 USD within ten years’ time with a new public cash system.
If it ever comes to be; the people’s currency would pay for itself using the new denomination. Guidelines for this self-feeding feature would be proposed by budgetary mavens with approval from the common ground committees and be managed by future administrators of money with morals.
The regulation of The Project plus the development and future operation of the people’s currency will not be unduly influenced by the amount of money one invests in these endeavors.
Making It Happen
About a million bucks would get The Project off the ground. An international ad hoc committee of nineteen people needs to come together for a while. This prospective ad hoc group of recognized experts with various viewpoints would communicate regularly using the internet and the telephone to start The Project up. Some face to face meetings will also be needed. Honorariums could be offered, history will likely be made.
The Ad hoc 19 would make many initial decisions while recognizing and completing a multitude of preliminary tasks for this proposal such as further defining the possibilities, parameters, and by-laws of the new corporation along with the roles of paid participants. Ideally this initial ad hoc collaboration would consist of good people with strengths in the arts, sciences, math, programming, economics, law, history, politics, business, management, activism, nature, spirituality, humanity, and other fields.
The Project for a New Economic Century under the considerations and efforts of the Ad hoc 19 could be incorporated within a year or so into a registered public company based in Canada with an international Board of Directors, staff, membership, and shareholders who would run the development of a publicly owned currency system with a conscience.
Before launching The Project on a worldwide level numerous Officers would have to be hired by the Board of Directors. The Officers would include Artistic Project Directors (APDs), Executive Producers, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Managers plus leaders in Accounting, Administration, OTC Trading, Law, Marketing, and other Department Heads recommended by the Ad hoc 19 & Board of Directors. These Officers would oversee the recruitment of further members & support staff as well as manage their divisions during the subsequent weekly meetings and polls done by the CGCs.
An awesome assembly of administrators would be hired to provide: honest accounting, legal matters, the nitty-gritty of day to day operations, and assistance with constructing a well-made framework that’s needed for a real global uprising.
An incredible ICT squad would be employed to set up and operate the initial cyber-structure & media organization of what may soon become a leading website with videos, podcasts, Q & A sessions, lively commentary along with televised episodes, radio broadcasts, voting, and much more during the next decade.
A superb sales team would be appointed to manage the selling of shares thru OTC trading. As well, potential advertisement space on the multi-media platforms used by The Project plus possible merchandise and events promoting The Project may also bring some revenue into this revolutionary business.
Others, including auditors, would be engaged by the Officers and Directors as required by the growth of The Project and allowed by the assets of this international endeavor.
Being a part of the preliminary ad hoc group would not exclude a person from future work with The Project as a volunteer, Board member, Officer or paid employee. All of the people who help make this proposal happen would be given a chance at further opportunities to bring about this necessary evolution of our economic system(s).
The Recruitment
The mass enlistment of the common ground committees’ seats should take about a year and a half after The Project becomes incorporated.
Every member of the multinational Ad hoc 19 and the various Directors would be free to solicit opinions from their family, friends, and peers before submitting a wish list of candidates for each of the CGCs. From these lists the best options would be approved by Officers and Board of the public company.
Invitations/applications would be sent to the people most people like. Hopefully many of the invited will respond positively and be hired. Following this an international on-line push promoting The Project while seeking résumé submissions for the remaining common ground committee positions would occur. The work would be accomplished in English with translations in/from other languages made as available as possible.
The staff, Officers, and Board would review and choose from completed curricula vitae and short videos freely submitted from around the globe. Anyone who works or wants to work for The Project would allow others to honestly comment positively or negatively about them and have that be taken under consideration. A person’s reputation plays a role in this game plan.
The initial goal of The Project is to build a large contingent of respected people who have plenty of gumption and truly care about others and give them the ability to build an improved world using a publicly owned currency system that follows the rules and wishes of a majority after some fact-sharing and deliberations are done in an efficient manner.
The Membership and Shareholders
Membership with the Project for a New Economic Century could include anyone fifteen years of age or older who uses the internet as long as they followed the House Rules of the public company while participating in this venture. All members of The Project would be shareholders.
To become a shareholder one has to acquire shares of The Project through purchase or services.
It would be made clear to each shareholder that the value of the share(s) is dependent on a people’s currency becoming a real monetary option throughout the world. These shares may end up with no cash value.
One can buy stock and choose not to participate in The Project or at the annual shareholders' meeting and still be eligible for a possible great return on an investment with the proposed new currency system.
The Shareholders’ Agreement (SHA) would include adherence to the House Rules and Principles of The Project amongst other stipulations decided by The Ad hoc 19 and Board of Directors. The Board would be answerable to the shareholders as per the future by-laws and SHA of a new multinational corporation based in Canada.
Once established The Project’s primary purpose is to create a better world for most of us by discussing the fiscal activities of humankind and choosing the best means of dealing with these practices using a brand new publicly owned currency.
Basically the good things would be invested in and the bad things wouldn’t be unless they were absolutely necessary.
Agreed upon penalties & benefits of this monetary system run by the people would firmly control the financial conduct of banks, corporations, governments, countries, and citizens.
Money with morals would be a dreadful thing in the wrong hands.
Common Ground Committees
The manufacture and production of a publicly owned currency system with a code of ethics would be accomplished by three common ground committees.
One committee would be made up of really smart people from around the planet, another committee would carry many international creative people, the largest committee would be a cross section of ordinary people living peacefully in a multicultural Western community. Virtually anyone else could join a party on-line and contribute to this transformation of trade.
Solutions would be negotiated.
Falsehoods will be called out & extinguished during these global debates. Most subjects will have already been studied, researched, argued, written about, designed, artistically addressed or tried throughout the lifetime of every participant, young and old.
Arseholes and fibbers would be frowned upon by The Project.
While recognizing that every once in a while everyone is an asshole.
Common Ground Committee Two
CGC 2 would consist of sixty-five parties representing various experts in many fields. They would regularly meet using a secure internet teleconference system plus the social media site of The Project.
Each party consists of four members, three seated members chosen by staff with Board approval plus the fourth member made up of volunteer on-line participants who are verified as real persons willing to follow the House Rules. Seated members have one vote for every component of the people’s currency; on-line members would each have a vote that becomes part of a shared vote for their party.
For example: Following a week long discussion about ABC a vote was held where two out of three Architects seated on CGC 2 voted in favour of ABCD as well as sixty-three percent of the on-line Architects. The remaining seated Architect plus twenty-five percent of the on-line Architects were against ABCD. Twelve percent of Architects on-line were unsure of the matter.
This makes a total vote of 2.63 votes in favour, 1.25 votes against and 0.12 votes unsure of ABCD according to the Architect Party in Common Ground Committee Two.
Votes by this party would be added to the 256 additional votes cast by the 64 other parties of 4 in CGC 2. The votes from CGC 2 would become part of the grand total of 820 votes by all three common ground committees.
Majority voting with a winning margin would determine the outcome of each component of the people’s currency.
Closely contested issues and/or big disputes could be revisited and voted upon a second time towards the end of The Project’s existence.
CGC 2 would include grassroots workers from the Global South as well as recognized researchers, reporters, writers, designers, programmers, inventors, economists, ecologists, engineers, chemists, mathematicians, theologians, philosophers, physicists, permaculturalists, agriculturalists, biologists, climatologists, anthropologists, administrators, advocates, architects, accountants, doctors, developers, naturalists, and many other professions.
Indigenous people would be represented in this and every common ground committee.
Common Ground Committee Three
CGC 3 would consist of sixty-five parties of innovative people celebrated around the world in the arts, sports, computers, comedy, and cuisine with an emphasis on musicians. They would meet most weeks via an internet teleconference system and anytime on the social media site.
Each party in CGC 3 would consist of a well known international, national, and regional member as well as on-line members of a genre. The four voting members of each party would contribute opinions & votes in the same manner as CGC 2. The three seated members each get one vote; on-line members get a percentage of a vote for a total of 260 votes from the 65 parties.
Seated CGC members would be mindful of many opinions, polls, and reports from other sources.
Directors of scheduled on-line CGC meetings would do their work using an interactive IMAX screen.
Everyone on Earth wired to the web is invited to join one party in The Project. There would be harsh consequences for using multiple or false personalities & votes on this pioneering platform that aims to embrace all media.
Common Ground Committee One
CGC 1 would be made up of seventy-five parties of ordinary people from the same multicultural community in Canada as well as on-line occupational compatriots from across the globe. CGC 1 would follow the same construction, discussion, and voting rules as the other CGCs but seated members would meet in person most of the time as well as on The Project’s social media site.
The parties would be four member sets composed of volunteer on-line participants plus seated trios of veterans, factory owners, farmers, business owners large and small, investors, pensioners, religious leaders, scientists, artists, activists, police officers, outlaws, politicians, judiciaries, journalists, community organizers, managers, bankers, teachers, healthcare providers, social workers, workers from pretty much every other sector, union leaders, university professors, the unemployed, students, parents, many heritages, many ages.
People with roots from around the world living in different tax brackets and following different faiths gathering on a common ground with a common goal of changing the system for the better.
CGC 1 has 225 seated votes plus 75 on-line global votes for a total of 300 votes. The founder of Project for a New Economic Century believes that Sudbury, Ontario, Canada would be the best place to establish CGC 1.
The Bosses
All members are accountable to the House Rules and Principles of The Project. The House Rules will originally be written by the Ad hoc 19 and be accepted, rejected, or adapted by the Board, membership and future guardians of a people’s currency as time goes by.
The House Rules will basically define acceptable behaviour for active participants of this endeavor plus the drawbacks to defying these guidelines which are required for a shared work space.
Principles of this group effort towards a new planetary fiscal system will be settled as The Project progresses.
Each CGC would be guided by a Director. The Director would have great power over the dialogue of a topic, being able to choose speakers and allowed to interrupt or ask for clarification as well as postpone a conversation for a later date or end one.
The Project Stage Manager (PSM) would help ensure everything happened in an orderly fashion without conflicting with the general progress of the rest of The Project.
The Directors and PSMs would listen to and be supported by the Producers who would also handle numerous other tasks that are necessary for this show to go on.
They all in turn would respect the views of the three Artistic Project Directors who may also address everyone or anyone involved about an issue.
Other Officers and their subordinates would manage the support services of The Project such as Legal, ICT, Accounting, and OTC Trading.
The entire Corporation would be watched over by a Board of Directors who would have the power to hire or fire someone. The international Board of Directors founded by the Ad hoc 19 would be answerable to its constitution, the Canadian government, and the global Shareholders of The Project.
First Order of Business
The Ad hoc 19, Board of Directors, and Common Ground Committees would either accept or reject The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights [i] as a guiding principle of The Project for a New Economic Century.
The creator of The Project believes this document should be a regulatory value and articles therein be ensured throughout the development of money with morals.
With an understanding that the occasional androcentric language and a few other discrepancies from the 1948 agreement would best be updated for these more modern times that recognize more identities and histories while maintaining the basic rights of everyone.
As The Project progresses it will act on this UN deed and many other tenets that preach goodness, respect, freedom, humor, understanding, and equality for all human beings as well as humane care for all living beings. This endeavor is meant to become a cash system that values life, the rarest element in the known universe.
The seated members of the CGCs will be made up of individuals who have demonstrated goodwill to others in the past and come from a conservative, liberal, progressive, libertarian, anarchist, capitalist, socialist, communist, apolitical or some other shade of society.
Although all political stripes will be represented and heard from there will likely be a preference for giving seats to open-minded personalities who will hopefully try to vote on facts over feelings.
That being said, the Ad hoc 19, staff, Officers, and Board of Directors of The Project will be the ones who choose the seated CGC members who in turn will decide what constitutes the new currency system’s code of ethics after hearing truths, fears, and intelligent guesses.
It is assumed that most people on the planet are good most of the time and will do well with the realities, problems and solutions shared during The Project, integrating them into a brand new Social Political Economic system that follows the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights. Upholding just this one doctrine would go a long way in improving things on this planet. A world where engaging in financial behaviour that does not adhere to recognized human rights would no longer be funded or be heavily penalized by a people’s currency.
Values from many cultures beginning with Indigenous teachings may also become incorporated into the code of ethics for this new cash system. Creating a world where humans, animals, water, and natural resources are respected.
The proposed monetary system and all of today’s currencies require public trust in order to exist. Money with morals aims to be run and owned by the people not the banks.
Corporations, governments, and financial establishments would be there for your service not your servitude.
If a people’s currency succeeds and becomes the dominant economic system on Earth the gangs running the place today would most likely do the bidding of the people in exchange for a share of the public wealth or face elimination.
A vast chronicle of violence is a major chapter of humanity’s story. Conflict remains a regular part of our realm. The 3D’s of war: Devastation, Displacement & Death are the short-sighted results of those seeking power and control over others.
People, including politicians representing every one of the 197 countries on this planet may have a say and a vote in The Project. There could even be one or two seated spokespersons from each nation working on this global effort towards universal concord.
Together they will first listen to historians, reporters, cops, criminals, generals, troops, veterans, victims of war, war profiteers and protesters before deciding on the fate of the military-industrial complex.
Every modern day weapon, every piece of ammunition, every combat machine, every soldier relies on money.
One cannot use these instruments without having monetary wealth.
Money with morals would have the power to determine the necessity of warring if a majority of the world ends up joining this rebellion.
The needs of global armed forces would be based more on reason, less on profit. This is a revolution that would stand on guard for the rights of nations, ethnic groups, and individuals trying to live in harmony. With support from the rank and file a people’s currency will be able to kick the butts of despots.
“May the Force be with us.”
-Sergeant Jyn Erso of Rogue One
Wait, Why Sudbury?
It’s in Canada, a country with people from all countries. A nation that allows for many freedoms, nonviolent ideas, and alternative currencies to exist within its borders. A land that amicably shares much with The Commonwealth, the United States, and most other states as well.
It’s also the former hometown of the author of these words.
Growing up with about a hundred thousand other people in a Northern Ontario mining town means me and a whole bunch of other people get along with the wealthy, the middle class, the poor, the handicapped, the crooked, the straight, the queer, women, men, trans, blue collar, white collar, all colors, dreamers, warriors, jocks, nerds, jokesters, hipsters, hunters, homeowners, renters, builders, lovers, clans, vegans, atheists, folks of faith, and a myriad of other associates.
Friendships despite significant differences do not happen in many places. Differences are discussed and maybe joked about but are not despised by a good many of the population.
Prejudices and bigotry certainly do exist in this populace yet people from all over the planet live in Sudbury nowadays and seem to enjoy it for the most part.
The demographics of the area are seen as favorable to corporations testing out new products or practices. The nickel basin has traditionally done well during times of war although mining opportunities have been steadily declining. Sudbury has successfully diversified from being a one industry town. Today the district has a large range of professions and sagas.
In the past the Sudbury region was deeply scarred by corporate exploits and is often looked down upon. The water and land of Sudbury have rebound in many ways from the ignorant resource extraction and irresponsible profiteering of crude capitalism thanks to recent ingenuity, investment, and sweat of workers.
Despite environmental advances Sudbury remains a place with plenty of proud petrol drivers, meat eaters, smokers, drinkers, and foul-mouthed hosers mainly from a European background along with a strong Ojibwe, Cree, and Métis presence in a city where flags fly together from lands all around the world along the downtown’s Bridge of Nations. [ii]
The Sudbury & Manitoulin District is a diverse community where many people get to experience the American Dream or something close to it yet deep down know it comes at a terrible cost.
Most locals find solace in shorelines, wildlife, family, beloved friends, good neighbours, books, bars, music, meals, sports, entertainment, electronics, sex, machines, worship, and the web just like you do to one degree or another.
What sets Sudbury apart from many communities is the genuine comradeship amongst people from different occupations, incomes, sexualities, beliefs, countries, and cultures.
Each common ground committee will have to be strong enough to endure five to ten years of intensive work, arguments, and soul searching.
A Typical Week for The Project
In the beginning, after agreeing to the House Rules and initial principles, people in the three common ground committees would be schooled in listening skills as well as different economic & political methods past, present, and possible.
Following discussions CGC members would submit further visions and possibilities for a new means of global governance using a common currency.
Popular concepts would be considered throughout The Project. Terrible practices would also be kept in mind.
The committees would then contribute their thoughts on things they like and don’t like about the current system they live in. These topics would be voted upon by the entire membership and all significant matters would eventually be dealt with by The Project.
All accepted ideas would be woven into the schedule of The Project by the three Artistic Project Directors.
The item(s) would be discussed and voted upon on a weekly basis (except during two week breaks given in the winter + summer plus a week off in the spring + fall).
The Eastern Time Zone would be the preferred setting to schedule work. Leeway in programing session times will be made to better host the international seated cartels of CGC 2 and CGC 3.
On Sunday for at least four hours all the CGCs would hear from experts of a particular subject on-line and be able to ask questions. Guest speakers and mediators would be paid for their time. More than one valid viewpoint on a topic would be allowed. Some questions could be submitted earlier and usually be chosen by popular vote. The CGC Directors and APDs may forward questions as well. All interactions would be archived and readily available for review on the web at any time.
Monday would be an opportunity to further look at or comment on that week’s presentation(s). This effort would be voluntary. Contributing to or surfing The Project’s website could very well become a regular habit for many people around the world.
From nine to five on Tuesday CGC 1 would meet in person to discuss the issue(s) at hand and agree upon the best way(s) to deal with it. Quite often a resolution would be made that the vast majority supported. If a significant number of members preferred an opposing position it too would be forwarded to the other two CGCs. It is perfectly fine for a majority of this group or any committee member to be unsure about an issue and pass it along for further exploration and determination.
On Wednesday the relevant matter(s) that week and any resolution(s) or questions from CGC 1 would be discussed on-line by CGC 2. During eight hours or so this committee would analyze much of that week’s data before them, add further information and put forward their best recommendations. These verdicts could support the decisions made earlier by CGC 1 or offer other options.
On Thursday CGC 3 would meet on-line for four or more hours and enhance the proceedings with further insights about The Project’s concern(s) of the week. They would also discuss the resolutions forwarded by the other two committees and perhaps offer additional possibilities, tweaks or concerns. Comedians would also have an opportunity to provide laughs. The Project’s progress would be best shared via many avenues on-line and off across the planet.
Friday will have a closing presentation and/or further questions answered by that week’s guest speakers followed by final deliberations by all three CGCs on that week’s resolution(s). By midnight Friday voting on that week’s work should be completed in privacy by all members of the three common ground committees.
By Saturday morning all the votes about the discussed subject(s) would be accounted for and publicized. A person’s vote in The Project would be made public following a brief period of confidentiality. Public voting records offer a means to further validate results from the weekly referendums. Laws for a people's currency would be set. Saturday will also be a time of relaxation, reflection, revelry, remarks about the results or future topic(s).
Sunday the procedure would be repeated with new issues and guests for the CGCs to deal with. The seated members would be called upon three days a week; shifts would be eight to four hours. A lot of the work would have a flexible time schedule. Overtime will be needed every now and then; especially at the beginning and ending of The Project.
On-line members could voluntarily comment twenty-four hours a day. On-line notes or short video responses can receive up votes, down votes, unsure votes or bring about further conversation from other participants who would all have fifty of these note votes on a daily basis. The most popular on-line remarks would be shared during CGC meetings. People could comment as much as they wished as long as it adhered to the House Rules.
Keeping it Civil
Statements and posts that violated the House Rules could be flagged by other participants. Foolish flaggers or genuine offenders of the House Rules would first receive an official warning and explanation of their wrongdoing. They would also have a chance to defend their position and be pardoned. A second offense could lead to a time-out from participating in The Project. Time-outs would begin with a two week period. Repeat offenders would next receive a two month prohibition. A fourth offense could bring on a one year ban of participating in The Project. A one year ban could be a recurring event for some people.
For most other people The Project offers a practical and peaceful way for a worldwide revolution to really happen by establishing a publicly owned currency system with values. This can become a self-governing uprising with millions of champions who collectively create an advanced economic system that strongly supports the practices which are needed in our rapidly changing society and ecosphere.
(Edit to this 2017 document)
If you feel you cannot handle being respectful to an opponent and follow The House Rules you can invite them to The Quarry where almost anything is allowed other than threats of death, torture, assault, or rape of human beings/pets/livestock. Aggressive non-consensual sexual or commercial advances could also result in time-out(s) from The Project's platforms, meetings, and votes.
The mutually recorded face to face online video encounter with the gloves & AI off would remain behind closed doors unless The Quarry Agreement is broken whereby the victim(s) may then freely decide on whether or not to report it to The Project's administrators and/or relative law authorities. It would also be possible to end these heated online meetings with a virtual handshake.
Like the rest of this proposal the Ad hoc 19 may figure that other regulations are required for The Quarry to function properly which the CGCs will accept, modify, or decline.
(End of 2024 edit)
A Final Order of Business
When money with morals exists and is used by numerous people there will come a day when it no longer recognizes monetary systems that support the misconduct of commerce.
At first, exchanging other currencies for a people’s currency would be encouraged; allowing the population, governments, and industry a chance to adjust to a new economy and democratic world order.
What’s done with these received monies from the central banks of many countries or cryptocurrencies will be decided by the CGCs. The purchase of property could be a leading consideration.
This brief window of opportunity to upgrade one’s wealth would come to a close after a period of time proposed by the CGCs and approved by future administrators of a fully functioning people’s currency. One day other currencies will become worthless to this mass movement.
The renewed world order would forge ahead and leave behind the immoral world order. Either the economy of gluttony becomes extinct or we do.
A Lengthy Conclusion
“The next 50 years will determine the next 10, 000 years”
-Global Challenges Foundation
We can fix this fix we’re in. The Project is a way to take the time to stop, think, and in many cases reinvent the way humankind does business on Earth.
Carrying out The Project would give us the ability to better weather future storms, improving our probability of survival and well-being; strengthening the chances and enjoyment of all life found on this brilliant blue planet.
The Project just may become a deus ex machina for the twenty-first century. Towards the end of this decade long mission steps will be taken to make the new monetary system a worldwide physical and digital reality.
A people’s currency should never, ever become one that tracks every transaction of every person.
Money is needed for every activity done by banks, corporations, and governments. Money is the basis of many everyday human activities as well. It is hoped that money with morals will strengthen the common sense freedoms and noble acts of individuals while curtailing the incredibly stupid activities of institutes and our species en masse. A people’s currency would have the power to issue financial benefits or penalties as defined by the CGCs. In extreme cases of unscrupulous behavior accounts could be frozen until the conduct is acceptable to the code of ethics as determined by the management of the new cash system.
Simply put; good deeds make money, bad deeds lose money.
Once a people’s currency is established every country would continue to maintain its own government, finances, and fabulous culture although they would be playing with a new set of economic guidelines if many people in many lands started using money with morals.
The rules we live with today would be updated to better deal with the realities of our nature, our grand possibilities, and the serious situations facing us in this new century. Worthy traditions will remain tomorrow. There would continue to be unique differences between countries, much like there are different teams during The World Cup playing by the same rules yet ending up with different results and moments of brilliance.
With any luck money with morals would eventually be welcomed by most people and work places around this remarkable orb even with some regime revisions because in many ways it would be sensible, necessary, and profitable. Those few who do very well with the current financial system(s) will face a refreshed set of regulations that have a greater respect for everyday life and have, in part, been designed by business owners during The Project.
Suspicions regarding a global currency will be high. There are valid concerns about a new world order dictating one’s behaviour. Independence, liberty, and love are great virtues that should be respected and protected by money with morals.
However, the freedom to do whatever the hell one wants multiplied by millions and billions of people and expenditures has brought an entire planet to the brink of mass extinction and daily horrors.
No matter what we do it’s probably going to get worse before it can get any better. We cannot continue much longer on this current path where temporary wants outweigh long term needs. We have to make a massive change that will definitely affect present lifestyles and policies. Changes and sacrifice that are necessary to better ensure the everlasting life of humankind.
The Project will try to reach everyone though some will very likely reject learning and growing along with this contemporary class.
Participants will be offered expert knowledge and relevant opinions about a multitude of economic activities, including having and raising children. With the reality of a situation understood a large number of diverse people will freely decide upon the best means to deal with it as a society and as an individual throughout the world.
The Project will create a global governance and economic system that is shaped by the masses not dictated to them. This ground-breaking act of communication & co-creation just may instill a strong sense of trust amongst great multitudes who may then choose to participate in a new way of life by using a people’s currency.
May this work grow and adapt like a natural wonder. Since 2010 this proposal has been thought of as an honest venture that would be carried by many. A transparent endeavor that would be responsible to the people and to future generations. Being a part of this economic evolution could bring out the best of humanity, becoming a source of pride, recognition, and honor for many individuals, their families, and communities. There will definitely be leaders but no sole dictator during The Project’s lifespan.
The CGCs will weave Fail-safe Protocols into the new global monetary system that will be a democracy of some sort. A working governance model that can stop to fix its internal problems or attempts to turn a people’s currency into something darker like a controlling device primarily serving a few near the top or one that falsely imposes a pious viewpoint on everyone else or some other devilish detour from human decency and ingenuity.
The new economic model would be developed to try and combat the alarms raised by science and research and stories. Valid concerns that are shared by much of the thinking world.
This proposed public cash system with a code of ethics would be built & used by people who believe in God or other Higher Power(s) as well as those who do not believe in a Creator beyond The Big Bang and/or Chemical Equations and/or Evolution and/or Something Else.
No one religion or sect will determine the morals of a people’s currency yet all will have a chance to say something and publicly vote on-line during the Project for a New Economic Century. [iii]
[i] www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/
[ii] www.cbc.ca/…/sudb…/sudbury-bridge-of-nations-flags-1.3659807
[iii] www.facebook.com/Project-for-a-New-Economic-Century-352450371511023